“”The worst bankrupt in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm.” – H.W. Arnold

Enthusiasm is the root each of us possesses to obtain or accomplish anything and everything. We’re talking simple tasks from getting out of bed in the morning to running a marathon. Without any level of enthusiasm we will accomplish absolutely nothing.

Sometimes things seem hard and cause us to sit back and say “I just can’t do it right now” or, “I just don’t have any enthusiasm right now but hopefully I’ll spark up later.” It’s times like these when it really takes some fortitude and looking toward what we could only accomplish if we just don’t just succumb to our own lack of motivation.

I have to admit that at times I have been bankrupt in the enthusiasm department and have definitely felt the ramifications of not accomplishing tasks I had initially intended on accomplishing. Problems, tasks, work, and especially promises don’t disappear because I just didn’t feel like doing them at the moment.

Many of us have families, friends, co-workers, etc…who count on us on a daily basis and a lack of enthusiasm or willingness on our part can cause nothing good to be accomplished.

One might argue that you don’t have to be enthusiastic to accomplish what needs to get done but it sure does make things a lot more enjoyable and your enthusiasm can be contagious to other who may be lacking in the same area.

I know it might seem like a sort of random topic but I came across this great quotation when I was seeking some good reads on motivation. I, for one, choose to be “bankrupt” in no area whatsoever and this is one that seems of the utmost importance!

If you found a way to gain or maintain a healthy enthusiastic level to accomplish life’s daily ongoings that’s awesome! Try and find someone who hasn’t seemed to reach your same level of drive and lift them up to your level as well. I think the world will appreciate it!

Take good care and lead yourself to bankruptcy! Keep on Keepin’ on!
